🇺🇾 Uruguay Area Code

From Chahaoba

Area Code, Long-distance Call VoIP, Mobile/Cellular Locator and Telephone Number of Uruguay.

🔗 References:

Uruguay's country code +598 illustrated with the national flag, Montevideo Independence Monument, Rufous Hornero (national bird), Easter Lily (national flower), telephone, mobile phone, and a signal tower, highlighting communication and national identity.

Uruguay International Dialing Code

  • Name: Uruguay 🇺🇾
  • Code: 598, also +598, 00598, 00 598, 00-598, +598-, +00598, 0598, 000598, 011-598 etc.

General Information

  • Uruguay country code: 598
  • Trunk Prefix: None
  • International Prefix: 00
  • Uruguayan phone numbers are eight digits. The first digit designates whether the phone number is a land-line (fixed line) or mobile. Land-line numbers start with‘4’(outside Montevideo) or‘2’(inside Montevideo). Mobile numbers begin with‘9’.

An example of an Uruguayan phone number

The Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales lists its phone number in Montevideo as +598 27116054.

Detail of Numbering Plan

Geographic Number

City Area code Dialing Format
Canelones, Canelones 433 +598-433-xxxxx
Maldonado, Maldonado 42 +598-42-xxxxxx
Rocha, Rocha 447 +598-447-xxxxx
Treinta y Tres, Treinta y Tres 445 +598-445-xxxxx
Melo, Cerro Largo 464 +598-464-xxxxx
Rivera, Rivera 462 +598-462-xxxxx
Artigas, Artigas 477 +598-477-xxxxx
Salto, Salto 473 +598-473-xxxxx
Paysandú, Paysandú 472 +598-472-xxxxx
Fray Bentos, Río Negro 456 +598-456-xxxxx
Mercedes, Soriano 453 +598-453-xxxxx
Colonia del Sacramento, Colonia 452 +598-452-xxxxx
San José de Mayo, San José 434 +598-434-xxxxx
Trinidad, Flores 4364 +598-4364-xxxx
Florida, Florida 435 +598-435-xxxxx
Minas, Lavalleja 444 +598-444-xxxxx
Durazno, Durazno 436 +598-436-xxxxx
Tacuarembó, Tacuarembó 463 +598-463-xxxxx
Montevideo, Montevideo 2 +598-2-xxxxxxx

Non-geographic Number

Code Description
800 Non-geographic freephone numbers (no local charge)
801 to 804, 806 to 810 Reserve for non-geographic freephone numbers
805 Non-geographic freephone numbers
900 to 908 Non-geographic value-added numbers
909 Access to Internet providers

Mobile Telephony

  • Movistar (TELEFONICA MOVILES DE URUGUAY S.A.): 094, 095 and 093.
  • Claro (AM WIRELESS URUGUAY S.A.): 096 and 097.

URSEC has reserved 084, 089 and 086 for a possible future use.

Special Numbers

Assigned code Service
104 Fire brigade
105 Emergencies – public health
106 Emergencies – prefecture
108 Emergencies – traffic police
109 Emergencies – police
112 Operator-assisted services for the hearing disabled
113 Services for the hearing disabled
116 Official time
118 Wake-up service
120 National long-distance operator
121 Complaints regarding the telephone service
122 Directory enquiries
123 Local provider's business customer service by telephone
125 Telephonogram
126 Service rates
128 Mercosur police
911 National emergency number

Dialing Plan

Domestic Dialing

  • For local call: Dial only the local phone number(8 digits)
  • For long distance call: Dial only the local phone number(8 digits)

Foreign Dialing

  • To call Uruguay from abroad: exit code - 598 - area code - local phone number(exit code can also be written as “+”)
  • To call abroad from Uruguay: 00 - country code - area code - phone number

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