🇸🇲 San Marino Area Code

From Chahaoba

Area Code, Long-distance Call VoIP, Mobile/Cellular Locator and Telephone Number of San Marino.

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Illustration featuring San Marino's country code '+378', showcasing iconic towers, mountains, traditional attire, and famous stamps. A modern smartphone displays the code against a backdrop of communication elements like signal towers and a SIM card, ideal for website headers.

San Marino International Dialing Code

  • Name: San Marino 🇸🇲
  • Code: 378, also +378, 00378, 00 378, 00-378, +378-, +00378, 0378, 000378, 011-378 etc.

General Information

  • San Marino country code: 378
  • Trunk Prefix: None
  • International Prefix: 00
  • Number Details: Sammarinese phone numbers are ten digits. All phone numbers begin with‘0549’(due to a historical link to the Italian phone system). The first digit designates a land-line (‘0’) phone number. Digits two, three, and four:‘549’– San Marino's area code in the Italian phone system (a remnant of a historical relationship).

An example of a Sammarinese phone number

The State Museum of San Marino lists its phone number in San Marino as 0549 882670.

Detail of Numbering Plan

Operator Service Numbers
Telenet Internet and VoIP services +378 51
SMT Internet and VoIP services +378 55
TISM Internet and VoIP services +378 58
Telenet Mobile services +378 61
SMT Mobile services +378 66
Telenet Premium and Video call +378 71
SMT Premium and Video call +378 77
TISM Premium and Video call +378 78
SMT Fixed services line +378 (0549) 80
Telenet Fixed services line +378 (0549) 81
TELENET Fixed services line +378 (0549) 85
TELECOM ITALIA Fixed services line +378 (0549) 87
RSM STATE Fixed services line +378 (0549) 88
RSM STATE Fixed services line +378 (0549) 89
TELECOM ITALIA and others operators Fixed services line +378 (0549) 9

Important Numbers

Country/Geographical Area Number Service category
San Marino 113; 112 Police
San Marino 115 Fire
San Marino 118 Medical

Dialing Plan

Domestic Dialing

  • For local call: Dial the entire ten digit number
  • For long distance call: Dial the entire ten digit number

Foreign Dialing

  • To call San Marino from Italy and the Vatican City: 0549 - local phone number
  • To call San Marino from abroad: exit code - 378 - 0549 - local phone number(exit code can also be written as “+”)
  • To call abroad from San Marino: 00 - country code - area code - phone number

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