🇳🇮 Nicaragua Area Code

From Chahaoba

Area Code, Long-distance Call VoIP, Mobile/Cellular Locator and Telephone Number of Nicaragua.

🔗 References:

Illustration depicting Nicaraguan elements - the national flag, Momotombo volcano, the green macaw, a person holding a smartphone, signal towers, and the country code '+505', in a modern, wide-format illustration suitable for a phone area code lookup website.

Nicaragua International Dialing Code

  • Name: Nicaragua 🇳🇮
  • Code: 505, also +505, 00505, 00 505, 00-505, +505-, +00505, 0505, 000505, 011-505 etc.

General Information

  • Nicaragua country code: 505
  • Trunk Prefix: None
  • International Prefix:
  • Number Details: Nicaraguan phone numbers are eight digits. The first digit designates whether the phone number is a land-line (fixed line) or mobile phone number. Landlines start with‘2’. With landlines, the second digit signifies a geographic (area) part of the country. Mobile numbers begin with‘5’,‘7’, or‘8’.

An example of a Nicaraguan phone number

The Hotel Casa Naranja lists its phone number in Managua as (505) 22773403.

Detail of Numbering Plan

Number Format Usage Proposed wording of announcement
2XXX XXXX Geographic number fixed service The number that you are dialling has changed. Please redial, replacing +505 by +505 2
8XXX XXXX Non-geographic number mobile service The number that you are dialling has changed. Please redial, replacing +505 by +505 8
5XXX XXXX Non-geographic number mobile service The number that you are dialling has changed. Please redial, replacing +505 by +505 5
7XXX XXXX Non-geographic number mobile service The number that you are dialling has changed. Please redial, replacing +505 by +505 7

Important Numbers

Service Number
Police 118
Fire department 115(from a fixed line), 911(from cell phones)
Ambulance 128
24 hour help line for tourists 101

Dialing Plan

Domestic Dialing

  • For local call: Dial all eight digits of the phone number
  • For long distance call: Dial all eight digits of the phone number

Foreign Dialing

  • To call Nicaragua from abroad: exit code - 505 - local phone number( exit code can also be written as “+” )
  • To call abroad from Nicaragua: 00 - country code - area code - phone number

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