🇱🇻 Latvia Area Code
Area Code, Long-distance Call VoIP, Mobile/Cellular Locator and Telephone Number of Latvia.
🔗 References:
- Wikipedia: Latvia 🇱🇻
- Postal code of Latvia
Latvia International Dialing Code
- Name: Latvia 🇱🇻
- Code: 371, also +371, 00371, 00 371, 00-371, +371-, +00371, 0371, 000371, 011-371 etc.
General Information
- Latvia country code: 371
- Trunk Prefix: None
- International Prefix: 00
- Number Details: Latvian phone numbers are eight digits. The first digit represents whether the phone number is a land-line (fixed line) or mobile phone. With land-lines, the next two digits represent the phone number's a geographic (area) location of Latvia. Mobile numbers being with digit‘2’. They are dialed the same way as all other numbers in Latvia.
An example of a Latvian phone number
The Latvian National Museum of Art lists its phone number in Riga as (+371) 67 325051.
Detail of Numbering Plan
Geographic Number
Area code | Location |
5 xx xxxxx | Reserved for landlines |
6 0x xxxxx | |
6 1x xxxxx | |
6 2x xxxxx | |
6 30 xxxxx | Landlines in Jelgava District |
6 31 xxxxx | Landlines in Tukums District |
6 32 xxxxx | Landlines in Talsi District |
6 33 xxxxx | Landlines in Kuldiga District |
6 34 xxxxx | Landlines in Liepāja District |
6 35 xxxxx | Reserved for landlines in Ventspils District |
6 36 xxxxx | Landlines in Ventspils District |
6 37 xxxxx | Landlines in Dobele District |
6 38 xxxxx | Landlines in Saldus District |
6 39 xxxxx | Landlines in Bauska District |
6 40 xxxxx | Landlines in Limbaži District |
6 41 xxxxx | Landlines in Cēsis District |
6 42 xxxxx | Landlines in Valmiera District |
6 43 xxxxx | Landlines in Alūksne District |
6 44 xxxxx | Landlines in Gulbene District |
6 45 xxxxx | Landlines in Balvi District |
6 46 xxxxx | Landlines in Rēzekne District |
6 47 xxxxx | Landlines in Valka District |
6 48 xxxxx | Landlines in Madona District |
6 49 xxxxx | Landlines in Aizkraukle District |
6 50 xxxxx | Landlines in Ogre District |
6 51 xxxxx | Landlines in Aizkraukle District |
6 52 xxxxx | Landlines in Jēkabpils District |
6 53 xxxxx | Landlines in Preiļi District |
6 54 xxxxx | Landlines in Daugavpils District |
6 55 xxxxx | Reserved for landlines in Ogre District |
6 56 xxxxx | Landlines in Krāslava District |
6 57 xxxxx | Landlines in Ludza District |
6 58 xxxxx | Landlines in Daugavpils District |
6 59 xxxxx | Reserved for landlines in Cēsis District |
6 6x xxxxx | Landlines in Riga District |
6 7x xxxxx | |
6 80 xxxxx | Reserved for landlines |
6 82 xxxxx | Reserved for landlines in Valmiera District |
6 83 xxxxx | Reserved for landlines in Jēkabpils District |
6 84 xxxxx | Reserved for landlines in Liepāja District |
6 85 xxxxx | Trunked radio networks and VPNs |
6 86 xxxxx | Reserved for landlines in Jelgava District |
6 87 xxxxx | Reserved for landlines |
6 88 xxxxx | |
6 89 xxxxx | Payphones in all Latvian cities (used until 31 December 2011) |
6 9x xxxxx | Reserved for landlines |
7 89 xxxxx | Payphones in all Latvian cities (used from 1 January 2012) |
Mobile Number
Number Format | Usage |
20XXXXXX | Public mobile telephony services |
21XXXXXX | Public mobile telephony services |
22XXXXXX | Public mobile telephony services |
23XXXXXX | Public mobile telephony services |
24XXXXXX | Public mobile telephony services |
25XXXXXX | Public mobile telephony services |
26XXXXXX | Public mobile telephony services |
27XXXXXX | Public mobile telephony services |
28XXXXXX | Public mobile telephony services |
29XXXXXX | Public mobile telephony services |
Important Number
Number | Service |
112 | Fire brigade, rescue services, civil protection (also general emergency number) |
110 | Police |
113 | Ambulance |
114 | Gas emergency |
Dialing Plan
Domestic Dialing
- For local call: Dial all eight digits of the phone number
- For long distance call: Dial all eight digits of the phone number
Foreign Dialing
- To call Latvia from abroad: exit code - 371 - local phone number(exit code can also be written as “+”)
- To call abroad from Latvia: 00 - country code - area code - phone number
External Links
Reference Links
- AreaCodeBase: Latvia Areacode Database
- PostCodeBase: Latvia Postcode Database
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