Kaltenleutgeben Areacode: 2238

From Chahaoba

Note๏ผš2238 is the areacode of Kaltenleutgeben, Austria. The prefix of international number of Kaltenleutgeben is 0043 2238 or 0043-2238, 00432238 .

General Information

  • Country: Austria
  • Country Code: +43
  • Area: Kaltenleutgeben
  • Area Code: 2238
  • International Prefix: "00"
  • National Prefix: "0"

Phone Call Instruction

Phone calls from Kaltenleutgeben

The international access code for Austria is 00. Please dial 00 before the country code of the country you are calling when making international calls.

The national long distance access code for Austria is 0. Please dial 0 before the area code when making domestic long distance calls.

  • Local call in Kaltenleutgeben: XXX XXXX (local number)
  • National long distance call: 0 - 2238 - local number
For the mobile phones: 0 - mobile number
  • From Kaltenleutgeben to abroad: 00 (or +) - country code - area code (if any) - phone number

To call Kaltenleutgeben from abroad

To call Kaltenleutgeben from abroad, the International access code depends on which country you are in. Please check the Country Code List

Dial the International access code or plus sign (+) at first, then 43, then dial 2238 and the phone number.

  • For example: How to call Kaltenleutgeben from the USA:
011 (or +) - 43 - 2238 - local number
011 (or +) - 43 - mobile number

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