
From Chahaoba

Area Code

Area Code, Long-distance Call VoIP, Mobile/Cellular Locator and Telephone Number of Jiangxi.


Long-distance Call Area Code
  • Inside China: 0791
  • Outside China: +86-791
Nanchang (南昌), include: 东湖, 西湖, 青云谱, 湾里, 青山湖, 南昌, 新建, 安义, 进贤
  • Inside China: 0798
  • Outside China: +86-798
Jingdezhen (景德镇), include: 昌江, 珠山, 浮梁, 乐平
Pingxiang (Jiangxi)
  • Inside China: 0799
  • Outside China: +86-799
Pingxiang (Jiangxi) (萍乡), include: 安源, 湘东, 莲花, 上栗, 芦溪
  • Inside China: 0792
  • Outside China: +86-792
Jiujiang (九江), include: 庐山, 浔阳, 九江, 武宁, 修水, 永修, 德安, 星子, 都昌, 湖口, 彭泽, 瑞昌
  • Inside China: 0790
  • Outside China: +86-790
Xinyu (新余), include: 渝水, 分宜
  • Inside China: 0701
  • Outside China: +86-701
Yingtan (鹰潭), include: 月湖, 余江, 贵溪
  • Inside China: 0797
  • Outside China: +86-797
Ganzhou (赣州), include: 章贡, 赣县, 信丰, 大余, 上犹, 崇义, 安远, 龙南, 定南, 全南, 宁都, 于都, 兴国, 会昌, 寻乌, 石城, 瑞金, 南康
  • Inside China: 0796
  • Outside China: +86-796
Ji'an (吉安), include: 吉州, 青原, 吉安, 吉水, 峡江, 新干, 永丰, 泰和, 遂川, 万安, 安福, 永新, 井冈山
Yichun (Jiangxi)
  • Inside China: 0795
  • Outside China: +86-795
Yichun (Jiangxi) (宜春), include: 袁州, 奉新, 万载, 上高, 宜丰, 靖安, 铜鼓, 丰城, 樟树, 高安
Fuzhou (Jiangxi)
  • Inside China: 0794
  • Outside China: +86-794
Fuzhou (Jiangxi) (抚州), include: 临川, 南城, 黎川, 南丰, 崇仁, 乐安, 宜黄, 金溪, 资溪, 东乡, 广昌
  • Inside China: 0793
  • Outside China: +86-793
Shangrao (上饶), include: 信州, 上饶, 广丰, 玉山, 铅山, 横峰, 弋阳, 余干, 鄱阳, 万年, 婺源, 德兴

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