🇬🇹 Guatemala Area Code
Area Code, Long-distance Call VoIP, Mobile/Cellular Locator and Telephone Number of Guatemala.
🔗 References:
- Wikipedia: Guatemala 🇬🇹
- Postal code of Guatemala
Guatemala International Dialing Code
- Name: Guatemala 🇬🇹
- Code: 502, also +502, 00502, 00 502, 00-502, +502-, +00502, 0502, 000502, 011-502 etc.
General Information
- Guatemala country code: 502
- Trunk Prefix: None
- International Prefix: 00
- Number Details: Guatemala's phone numbers are eight digits. The first digit designates a geographic (area) code and whether the phone number is a landline (fixed line) or mobile phone. Guatemala City numbers start with‘2’, Guatemala Department numbers start with‘6’, and the rest of Guatemala starts with‘7’. Digits two, three, and four of a landline signify the phone carrier in that geographic area. Mobile numbers begin with digits‘4’or‘5’.
An example of a Guatemalan phone number
The Museo Popol Vuh lists its phone number in Guatemala City as (+502) 2338 7896.
Detail of Prefix and Usage
Code | Usage |
0 | Prefix for international calls |
01XXX | Reserved for future services |
10X | Reserved for future services |
11X | Used for universal public utility/public assistance services, i.e., a single number grouping similar services, as in the case of the universal emergency number that is planned to group access to the police, fire and ambulance services and other entities providing emergency services for no profit |
12X | Identifies public assistance services (emergencies) |
13X | Used to select the commercial network operator code |
14X | Used to select the commercial network operator code |
145X | Used to select the commercial network operator code |
1459 XXX | Used for the “country direct” service |
15XX | Identifies the information services of government entities and other non-profit organizations |
16X | Used to select the commercial network operator code |
17XX | Identifies the advertising, information assistance and other services offered by different commercial entities |
18XX XXX XXXX | Reverse charge services |
1800 XXX XXXX | International freephone service |
1801 XXX XXXX | National freephone service |
19XX XXX XXXX | Calling-party-pays services |
1900 XXX XXXX | Special calling-party-pays international services |
1901 XXX XXXX | Special calling-party-pays national services |
Detail of Numbering Plan
From | To | Operator | Comments |
(2) 000 0000 | (2) 199 9999 | Fixed telephony, metropolitan zone | Reserved |
(2) 200 0000 | (2) 999 9999 | Fixed telephony, metropolitan zone | |
(4) 000 0000 | (4) 999 9999 | Mobile telecommunications | |
(5) 000 0000 | (5) 999 9999 | Mobile telecommunications | |
(6) 000 0000 | (6) 199 9999 | Fixed telephony, suburb and metropolitan zone | Reserved |
(6) 200 0000 | (6) 999 9999 | Fixed telephony, suburb and metropolitan zone | |
(7) 000 0000 | (7) 199 9999 | Fixed telephony, interurban zone | Reserved |
(7) 200 0000 | (7) 859 9999 | Fixed telephony, interurban zone | |
(7) 860 0000 | (7) 866 9999 | Rural telephony | |
(7) 867 0000 | (7) 868 9999 | Fixed telephony, interurban zone | |
(7) 869 0000 | (7) 869 9999 | Rural telephony | |
(7) 870 0000 | (7) 999 9999 | Fixed telephony, interurban zone | |
(3) ABC XXXX | Reserved | ||
(8) ABC XXXX | Reserved | ||
(9) ABC XXXX | Reserved |
Important Numbers
Service | Number |
Police | 120,110 |
Ambulance | 123,122 |
Fire department | 123,122 |
Dialing Plan
Domestic Dialing
- For local call: Dial all eight digits of the phone number
- For long distance call: Dial all eight digits of the phone number
Foreign Dialing
- To call Guatemala from abroad: exit code - 502 - local phone number(exit code can also be written as “+”)
- To call abroad from Guatemala: 00 - country code - area code - phone number
External Links
Reference Links
- AreaCodeBase: Guatemala Areacode Database
- PostCodeBase: Guatemala Postcode Database
- YouBianKu: Guatemala Postal Code Database
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