🇹🇱 East Timor Area Code
Area Code, Long-distance Call VoIP, Mobile/Cellular Locator and Telephone Number of East Timor.
🔗 References:
- Wikipedia: East Timor 🇹🇱
- Postal code of East Timor
East Timor International Dialing Code
- Name: East Timor 🇹🇱
- Code: 670, also +670, 00670, 00 670, 00-670, +670-, +00670, 0670, 000670, 011-670 etc.
General Information
- East Timor Country Code: 670
- Trunk Prefix: None
- International Prefix: 00
- Number Detail: Timorese phone numbers are seven to eight digits. Landline (fixed line) phone numbers are seven digits, and the first two digits represent the geographic (area). To conform to the seven (7) digit subscriber number, all current local six (6) digits subscriber numbers will be extended to seven (7) digits by adding digit “3” in front of the existing subscriber numbers. No subscriber number may begin with “1”, “7”, “8” or “9”. Mobile numbers are eight digits, with a '7' being added to the old seven-digit number.
The Discovery Inn lists its phone number in Dili as +670 331 1111.
Mobile Service
New number | Operator |
77XXXXXX | Timor Telecom |
78XXXXXX | Timor Telecom |
Geographic Number
List of area codes | |
Area code | Area |
Western Region | |
21X XXXX | Manufahi |
22X XXXX | Cova Lima |
23X XXXX | Bobonaro |
24X XXXX | Ainaro |
25X XXXX | Dekuse |
Central Region | |
31X XXXX | Dili (reserve) |
32X XXXX | Dili (reserve) |
33X XXXX | Dili (initial) |
36X XXXX | Liquica |
37X XXXX | Aileu |
38X XXXX | Ermera |
39X XXXX | Oekusi |
Eastern Region | |
41X XXXX | Baucau |
42X XXXX | Manatuto |
43X XXXX | Viqueque |
44X XXXX | Lautem |
Non-geographic number
Number | Usage |
80X XXXX | freephone and specially tariffed services (including Internet dial-up access numbers) |
90X XXXX | premium rate services |
70X XXXX | personal numbering |
71X XXXX | voicemail |
7YX XXXX | cellular mobile (Y=2, 3... as required) |
79X XXXX | paging |
Short Codes
- 100 – Prepaid service PPS Recharge
- 102 – Prepaid service PPS Balance
- 112 – General emergency number
- 115 – Fire Brigade number
- 120 – Operator assistance
- 121 – Fault report
- 123 – Customer service
- 128 – Directory Enquiries
- 172 – Timor Telecom Customer Care
- 190 – TT Internal technical support (Switching)
- 197 – TT Internal technical support (Local network)
Dialing Plan
Domestic Dialing
- For local call: Dial all seven digits of the phone number from all places in the country.
- For long distance call: Dial all seven digits of the phone number from all places in the country.
Foreign Dialing
- To call East Timor from abroad: exit code - 670 - area code - remainder of the phone number(exit code can also be written as “+”)
- To call abroad from East Timor: 00 - country code - area code - phone number
External Links
Reference Links
- AreaCodeBase: East Timor Areacode Database
- PostCodeBase: East Timor Postcode Database
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