🇨🇷 Costa Rica Area Code
Area Code, Long-distance Call VoIP, Mobile/Cellular Locator and Telephone Number of Costa Rica.
🔗 References:
- Wikipedia: Costa Rica 🇨🇷
- Postal code of Costa Rica
Costa Rica International Dialing Code
- Name: Costa Rica 🇨🇷
- Code: 506, also +506, 00506, 00 506, 00-506, +506-, +00506, 0506, 000506, 011-506 etc.
General Information
- Costa Rica country code: 506
- Trunk Prefix: None
- International Prefix: 00
- Number Details: Costa Rican phone numbers are eight digits. The first digit signifies whether the phone number is a fixed line (landline) or mobile phone. Fixed-line phone numbers begin with‘2’. The second digit of a landline phone number represents a geographic part of the country. VoIP phone numbers begin with‘4’. Some VoIP phone numbers are not available from outside Costa Rica. Mobile numbers begin with digits‘5’,‘6’,‘7’, and‘8’. Each starting number represents a different mobile phone carrier.
An example of a Costa Rican phone number
The Costa Rica Marriot Hotel lists its phone number in San Jose as 506-2298 0000.
Detail of Numbering Plan
Number(NDC+SN) | N(S)N number length | Usage | Operator/Provider - Service | |
110 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - Manual reverse charging |
112 | ----- | 3 | Special services | Clock – ICE |
113 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Free directory information |
115 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Tele-management |
116 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – International operator |
117 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Emergencies |
118 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Emergencies |
119 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Breakdowns |
123 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Dictation of telegrams |
124 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE –MIDA traffic information |
1026 | ----- | 4 | Special services | ICE – Electrical disruptions |
129 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Technical tests (internal use) |
137 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Communication disabled terminals |
146 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE –Automatic wake-up service |
175 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - International collect calls |
187 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - Consultation invoicing |
189 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE – Radiolocation service (internal use) |
190 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - Consultation voicemail |
191 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - Consultation voicemail |
192 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - Tourist information |
193 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - Mobile telemanagment and breakdowns |
197 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - Prepaid public telephony |
199 | ----- | 3 | Special services | ICE - Prepaid public telephony |
1000 -1009 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1010 | 4 | Access service to prepaid service platform Call My Way | 13.I.2011 | |
1011 - 1019 | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation | |
1020 - 1021 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1022 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1025 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1027 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1028 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1030-1099 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1100 - 1109 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1111 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1112 | ----- | 4 | Special services | ICE – Clock (former 112) |
1114 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1120 - 1129 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve, no allocation possible |
1130 - 1136 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1138 - 1145 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1147 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1148 - 1174 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1176 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1177 | ----- | 4 | Telemanagement Service TELEVISORA DE COSTA RICA S.A | Introduction on : 25.I.2013 – 00:00 |
1178 - 1186 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1188 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1194 - 1196 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1198 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1200- 1211 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1212 | ----- | 4 | Access service to Center of Telemanagement, Call My Way | 13.I.2011 |
1213 - 1899 | ----- | 4 | Special services | In reserve for allocation |
1900 | 4 | Pre-selection code for operator Call my Way | 13.I.2011 | |
1901 - 1974 | ----- | 4 | Operator pre-selection codes | In reserve for allocation |
1975 | ----- | 4 | Telemanagement Service TELEVISORA DE COSTA RICA S.A | Introduction on : 25.I.2013 – 00:00 |
1976 - 1999 | ----- | 4 | Operator pre-selection codes | In reserve for allocation |
20000XXX | 21999XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22000XXX | 22057XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22058XXX | 22058XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22059XXX | 22061xxx | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22062XXX | 22064XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22065XXX | 22152XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22153XXX | 22153XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22154XXX | 22155XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22156XXX | 22159XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22160XXX | 22161XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22162XXX | 22162XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22163XXX | 22166XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22167XXX | 22168XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22169XXX | 22169XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22170XXX | 22170XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22171XXX | 22174XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22175XXX | 22177XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22178XXX | 22183XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22184XXX | 22188XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22189XXX | 22346XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22347XXX | 22349XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22350XXX | 22386XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22387XXX | 22389XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22390XXX | 22417XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22418XXX | 22418XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22419XXX | 22431XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22432XXX | 22433XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22434XXX | 22434XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22435XXX | 22435XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22436XXX | 22448XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22449XXX | 22449XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22450XXX | 22457XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22458XXX | 22458XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22459XXX | 22465XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22466XXX | 22469XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22470XXX | 22484XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22485XXX | 22489XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22490XXX | 22496XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22497XXX | 22498XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22499XXX | 22511XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22512XXX | 22515XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22516XXX | 22551XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22552XXX | 22552XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22553XXX | 22558XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22559XXX | 22559XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22560XXX | 22637XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22638XXX | 22644XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22645XXX | 22645XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22646XXX | 22646XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22647XXX | 22647XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22648XXX | 22649XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22650XXX | 22662XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22663XXX | 22670XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22671XXX | 22671XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22672XXX | 22675XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22676XXX | 22678XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22679XXX | 22679XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22680XXX | 22705XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22706XXX | 22706XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22707XXX | 22707XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22708XXX | 22708XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22709XXX | 22739XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22740XXX | 22740XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22741XXX | 22741XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22742XXX | 22749XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22750XXX | 22759XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22760XXX | 22762XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22763XXX | 22772XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22773XXX | 22773XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22774XXX | 22787XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22788XXX | 22788XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22789XXX | 22813XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22814XXX | 22818XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22819XXX | 22839XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22840XXX | 22840XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22841XXX | 22867XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22868XXX | 22868XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22869XXX | 22869XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22870XXX | 22870XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22871XXX | 22871XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22872XXX | 22873XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22874XXX | 22876XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22877XXX | 22877XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22878XXX | 22890XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22891XXX | 22891XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22892XXX | 22948XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22949XXX | 22949XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22950XXX | 22951XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22952XXX | 22952XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22953XXX | 22953XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22954XXX | 22955XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22956XXX | 22978XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22979XXX | 22979XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
22980XXX | 22998XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
22999XXX | 24009XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24010XXX | 24013XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24014XXX | 24020XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24021XXX | 24022XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24023XXX | 24030XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24031XXX | 24031XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24032XXX | 24040XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24041XXX | 24041XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24042XXX | 24099XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24100XXX | 24104XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24105XXX | 24105XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24106XXX | 24107XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24108XXX | 24108XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24109XXX | 24139XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24140XXX | 24148XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24149XXX | 24149XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24150XXX | 24159XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24160XXX | 24173XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24174XXX | 24183XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24184XXX | 24190XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24191XXX | 24276XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24277XXX | 24280XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24281XXX | 24281XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24282XXX | 24282XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24283XXX | 24283XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24284XXX | 24289XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24290XXX | 24299XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24300XXX | 24307XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24308XXX | 24308XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24309XXX | 24315XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24316XXX | 24323XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24324XXX | 24325XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24326XXX | 24327XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24328XXX | 24328XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24329XXX | 24329XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24330XXX | 24342XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24343XXX | 24356XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24357XXX | 24365XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24366XXX | 24369XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24370XXX | 24387XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24388XXX | 24388XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24389XXX | 24397XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24398XXX | 24399XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24400XXX | 24404XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24405XXX | 24405XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24406XXX | 24448XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24449XXX | 24449XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24450XXX | 24468XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24469XXX | 24469XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24470XXX | 24474XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24475XXX | 24475XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24476XXX | 24479XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24480XXX | 24481XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24482XXX | 24489XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24490XXX | 24493XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24494XXX | 24496XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24497XXX | 24499XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24500XXX | 24506XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24507XXX | 24509XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24510XXX | 24523XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24524XXX | 24529XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24530XXX | 24545XX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24546XXX | 24549XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24550XXX | 24551XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24552XXX | 24559XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24560XXX | 24564XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24565XXX | 24568XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24579XXX | 24579XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24570XXX | 24579XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24580XXX | 24585XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24586XXX | 24587XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24588XXX | 24588XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24589XXX | 24589XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24590XXX | 24619XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24620XXX | 24620XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24621XXX | 24622XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24623XXX | 24623XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24624XXX | 24628XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24629XXX | 24629XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24630XXX | 24635XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24636XXX | 24639XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24640XXX | 24641XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24642XXX | 24643XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24644XXX | 24644XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24645XXX | 24649XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24650XXX | 24651XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24652XX | 24654XX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24655XXX | 24655XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24656XX | 24659XX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24660XXX | 24661XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24662XX | 24665XX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24666XXX | 24668XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24669XX | 24670XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24671XXX | 24673XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24674XX | 24677XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24678XXX | 24678XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24679XX | 24679XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24680XXX | 24682XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24683XX | 24687XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24688XXX | 24689XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24690XXX | 24690XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24691XXX | 24693XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24694XXX | 24694XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24695XXX | 24696XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24697XXX | 24698XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24699XXX | 24705XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24706XXX | 24707XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24708XXX | 24713XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24714XXX | 24716XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24717XXX | 24723XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24724XXX | 24730XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24731XXX | 24734XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24735XXX | 24738XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24739XXX | 24745XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24746XXX | 24746XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24747XXX | 24752XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24753XXX | 24754XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24755XXX | 24760XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24761XXX | 24775XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24776XXX | 24781XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24782XXX | 24787XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24788XXX | 24788XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24789XXX | 24789XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24790XXX | 24790XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24791XXX | 24796XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24797XXX | 24822XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24823XXX | 24829XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24830XXX | 24832XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24833XXX | 24833XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24834XXX | 24834XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24835XXX | 24873XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24874XXX | 24879XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24880XXX | 24939XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
24940XXX | 24956XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
24957XXX | 24999XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25000XXX | 25000XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25001XXX | 25009XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25010XXX | 25011XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25002XXX | 25006XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25017XXX | 25020XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25021XXX | 25026XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25027XXX | 25029XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25030XXX | 25038XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25039XXX | 25039XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25040XXX | 25042XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25043XXX | 25047XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25048XXX | 25049XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25050XXX | 25051XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25052XXX | 25070XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25071XXX | 25071XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25072XXX | 25073XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25074XXX | 25075XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25076XXX | 25077XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25078XXX | 25079XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25080XXX | 25084XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25085XXX | 25098XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25099XXX | 25099XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25100XXX | 25100XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25101XXX | 25130XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25131XXX | 25131XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25132XXX | 25135XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25136XXX | 25136XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25137XXX | 25149XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25150XXX | 25152XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25153XXX | 25159XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25160XXX | 25160XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25161XXX | 25179XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25180XXX | 25180XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25181XXX | 25185XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25186XXX | 25186XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25187XXX | 25189XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25190XXX | 25209XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25210XXX | 25211XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25212XXX | 25212XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25213XXX | 25213XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25214XXX | 25214XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25215XXX | 25219XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25220XXX | 25227XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25228XXX | 25228XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25229XXX | 25243XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25244XXX | 25244XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25245XXX | 252454XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25246XXX | 25247XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25248XXX | 25252XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25253XXX | 25269XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25270XXX | 25270XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25271XXX | 25271XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25272XXX | 25279XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25280XXX | 25289XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25290XXX | 25293XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25294XXX | 25299XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25300XXX | 25302XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25303XXX | 25303XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25304XXX | 25304XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25305XXX | 25307XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25308XXX | 25316XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25317XXX | 25319XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25320XXX | 25323XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25324XXX | 25330XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25331XXX | 25334XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25335XXX | 25339XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25340XXX | 25341XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25342XXX | 25342XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25343XXX | 25344XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25345XXX | 25345XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25346XXX | 25352XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25353XXX | 25365XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25366XXX | 25375XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25376XXX | 25377XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25378XXX | 25379XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25380XXX | 25380XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25381XXX | 25382XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25383XXX | 25384XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25385XXX | 25388XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25389XXX | 25399XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25400XXX | 25401XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25402XXX | 25409XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25410XXX | 25414XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25415XXX | 25439XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25440XXX | 25441XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25442XXX | 25443XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25444XXX | 25445XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25446XXX | 25460XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25461XXX | 25468XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25469XXX | 25479XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25480XXX | 25482XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25483XXX | 25488XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25489XXX | 25489XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25490XXX | 25499XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25500XXX | 25506XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25507XXX | 25507XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25508XXX | 25536XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25537XXX | 25540XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25541XXX | 25542XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25543XXX | 25547XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25548XXX | 25548XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25549XXX | 25559XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25560XXX | 25570XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25571XXX | 25571XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25572XXX | 25576XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25577XXX | 25580XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25581XXX | 25583XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25584XXX | 25589XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25590XXX | 25591XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25592XXX | 25599XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25600XXX | 25602XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25603XXX | 25619XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25620XXX | 25624XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25625XXX | 25659XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25660XXX | 25662XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25663XXX | 25664XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25665XXX | 25665XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25666XXX | 25710XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25711XXX | 25712XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25713XXX | 25719XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25720XXX | 25721XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25722XXX | 25729XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25730XXX | 25739XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25740XXX | 25740XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25741XXX | 25749XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25750XXX | 25750XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25751XXX | 25751XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25752XXX | 25752XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25753XXX | 25754XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25755XXX | 25770XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25771XXX | 25772XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25773XXX | 25819XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25820XXX | 25822XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25823XXX | 25827XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25828XXX | 25829XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25830XXX | 25849XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25850XXX | 25850XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25851XXX | 25863XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25864XXX | 25869XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25870XXX | 25879XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25880XXX | 25882XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25883XXX | 25889XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25890XXX | 25897XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25898XXX | 25899XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25900XXX | 25902XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25903XXX | 25903XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25904XXX | 25904XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25905XXX | 25909XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25910XXX | 25924XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25925XXX | 25926XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25927XXX | 25927XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25928XXX | 25930XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
25931XXX | 25931XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
25932XXX | 26257XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26258XXX | 26259XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26260XXX | 26299XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26300XXX | 26303XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26304XXX | 26307XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26308XXX | 26309XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26310XXX | 26339XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26340XXX | 26340XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26341XXX | 26343XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26344XXX | 26344XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26345XXX | 26348XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26349XXX | 26350XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26351XXX | 26354XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26355XXX | 26355XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26356XXX | 26359XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26360XXX | 26360XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26361XXX | 26361XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26362XXX | 26372XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26373XXX | 26376XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26377XXX | 26381XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26382XXX | 26387XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26388XXX | 26389XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26390XXX | 26390XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26391XXX | 26391XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26392XXX | 26392XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26393XXX | 26394XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26395XXX | 26395XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26396XXX | 26401XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26402XXX | 26409XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26410XXX | 26411XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26412XXX | 26413XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26414XXX | 26414XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26415XXX | 26417XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26418XXX | 26418XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26419XXX | 26419XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26420XXX | 26421XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26422XXX | 26429XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26430XXX | 26437XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26438XXX | 26450XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26451XXX | 26451XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26452XXX | 26454XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26455XXX | 26459XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26460XXX | 26460XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26461XXX | 26461XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26462XXX | 26467XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26468XXX | 26468XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26469XXX | 26470XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26471XXX | 26471XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26472XXX | 26477XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26478XXX | 26478XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26479XXX | 26499XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26500XXX | 26502XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26503XXX | 26507XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26508XXX | 26512XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26513XXX | 26517XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26518XXX | 26519XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26520XXX | 26528XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26529XXX | 26539XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26540XXX | 26543XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26544XXX | 26551XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26552XXX | 26557XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26558XXX | 265639XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26564XXX | 26567XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26568XXX | 26571XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26572XXX | 26573XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26574XXX | 26580XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26581XXX | 26583XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26584XXX | 26584XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26585XXX | 26586XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26587XXX | 26589XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26590XXX | 26590XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26591XXX | 26592XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26593XXX | 26594XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26595XXX | 26596XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26597XXX | 26597XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26598XXX | 26601XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26602XXX | 26609XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26610XXX | 26616XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26617XXX | 26617XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26618XXX | 26622XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26623XXX | 26626XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26627XXX | 26643XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26644XXX | 26648XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26649XXX | 26658XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26659XXX | 26659XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26660XXX | 26671XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26672XXX | 26673XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26674XXX | 26674XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26675XXX | 26677XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26678XXX | 26678XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26679XXX | 26679XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26680XXX | 26681XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26682XXX | 26682XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26683XXX | 26703XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26704XXX | 26709XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26710XXX | 26713XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26714XXX | 26717XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26718XXX | 26721XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26722XXX | 26723XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26724XXX | 26724XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26725XXX | 26729XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26730XXX | 26731XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26732XXX | 26739XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26740XXX | 26740XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26741XX | 26746XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26747XXX | 26751XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26752XX | 26760XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26761XXX | 26761XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26762XX | 26769XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26770XXX | 26771XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26772XX | 26773XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26774XXX | 26774XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26775XX | 26776XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26777XXX | 26778XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26779XX | 26779XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26780XXX | 26781XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26782XX | 26786XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26787XXX | 26789XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26790XX | 26790XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26791XXX | 26791XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26792XX | 26794XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26795XXX | 26795XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26796XX | 26796XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26797XXX | 26798XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26799XX | 26799XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26800XXX | 26809XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26810XX | 26810XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26811XXX | 26811XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26812XX | 26812XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26813XXX | 26814XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26815XX | 26817XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26818XXX | 26821XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26822XX | 26823XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26824XXX | 26824XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26825XX | 26827XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26828XXX | 26831XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26832XX | 26850XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26851XXX | 26860XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26861XX | 26862XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26863XXX | 26863XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26864XX | 26869XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26870XXX | 26872XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26873XX | 26877XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26878XXX | 26879XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26880XX | 26885XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26886XXX | 26891XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26892XX | 26897XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26898XXX | 26898XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26899XX | 26899XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26900XXX | 26903XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26904XX | 26908XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26909XXX | 26911XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26912XX | 26917XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26918XXX | 26918XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26919XX | 26919XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26920XXX | 26922XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26923XX | 26927XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26928XXX | 26931XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26932XX | 26937XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26938XXX | 26938XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26939XX | 26939XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26940XXX | 26940XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26941XX | 26943XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26944XXX | 26945XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26946XX | 26950XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26951XXX | 26951XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26952XX | 26952XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26953XXX | 26960XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26961XX | 26961XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26962XXX | 26962XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26963XX | 26966XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26967XXX | 26968XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26969XX | 26969XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26970XXX | 26971XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26972XX | 26973XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26974XXX | 26974XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26975XX | 26980XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26981XXX | 26981XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26982XX | 26989XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
26990XXX | 26997XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
26998XXX | 27097XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27098XXX | 27098XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27099XXX | 27099XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27100XXX | 27112XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27113XXX | 27129XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27130XXX | 27133XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27134XXX | 27134XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27135XXX | 27135XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27136XXX | 27163XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27164XXX | 27169XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27170XXX | 27180XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27181XXX | 27181XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27182XXX | 27183XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27184XXX | 27189XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27190XXX | 27299XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27300XXX | 27305XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27306XXX | 27310XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27311XXX | 27312XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27313XXX | 27319XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27320XXX | 27323XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27324XXX | 27339XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27340XXX | 27341XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27342XXX | 27342XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27343XXX | 27343XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27344XXX | 27350XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27351XXX | 27351XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27352XXX | 27354XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27355XXX | 27356XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27357XXX | 27358XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27359XXX | 27360XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27361XXX | 27369XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27370XXX | 27371XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27372XXX | 27379XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27380XXX | 27382XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27383XXX | 27400XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27401XXX | 27401XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27402XXX | 27409XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27410XXX | 27411XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27412XXX | 27417XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27418XXX | 27418XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27419XXX | 27420XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27421XXX | 27421XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27422XXX | 27422XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27423XXX | 27423XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27424XXX | 27424XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27425XXX | 27425XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27426XXX | 27427XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27428XXX | 27428XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27429XXX | 27430XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27431XXX | 27431XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27432XXX | 27437XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27438XXX | 27438XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27439XXX | 27499XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27500XXX | 27502XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27503XXX | 27509XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27510XXX | 27511XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27512XXX | 27540XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27541XXX | 27542XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27543XXX | 27549XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27550XXX | 27550XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27551XXX | 27560XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27561XXX | 27562XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27563XXX | 27565XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27566XXX | 27566XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27567XXX | 27567XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27568XXX | 27568XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27569XXX | 27579XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27580XXX | 27588XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27589XXX | 27589XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27590XXX | 27591XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27592XXX | 27598XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27599XXX | 27603XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27604XXX | 27609XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27610XXX | 27612XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27613XXX | 27619XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27620XXX | 27624XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27625XXX | 27627XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27628XXX | 27628XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27629XXX | 27630XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27631XXX | 27647XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27648XXX | 27650XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27651XXX | 27652XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27653XXX | 27653XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27654XXX | 27655XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27656XXX | 27657XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27658XXX | 27658XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27659XXX | 27659XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27660XXX | 27661XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27662XXX | 27664XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27665XXX | 27667XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27668XXX | 27668XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27669XXX | 27669XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27670XXX | 27670XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27671XXX | 27679XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27680XXX | 27680XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27681XXX | 27689XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27690XXX | 27690XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27691XXX | 27692XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27693XXX | 27697XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27698XXX | 27698XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27699XXX | 27699XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27700XXX | 27706XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27707XXX | 27707XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27708XXX | 27728XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27729XXX | 27729XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27730XXX | 27730XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27731XXX | 27732XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27733XXX | 27736XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27737XXX | 27738XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27739XXX | 27740XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27741XXX | 27749XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27750XXX | 27757XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27758XXX | 27758XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27759XXX | 27762XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27763XXX | 27764XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27765XXX | 27765XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27766XXX | 27767XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27768XXX | 27768XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27769XXX | 27769XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27770XXX | 27779XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27780XXX | 27780XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27781XXX | 27781XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27782XXX | 27785XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27786XXX | 27788XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27789XXX | 27790XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27791XXX | 27791XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27792XXX | 27793XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27794XXX | 27801XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27802XXX | 27803XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27804XXX | 27804XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27805XXX | 27809XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27810XXX | 27811XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27812XXX | 27831XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27832XXX | 27836XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27837XXX | 27837XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27838XXX | 27841XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27842XXX | 27846XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27847XXX | 27847XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27848XXX | 27849XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27850XXX | 27852XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27853XXX | 27857XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27858XXX | 27859XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27860XXX | 27862XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27863XXX | 27868XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27869XXX | 27869XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27870XXX | 27870XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27871XXX | 27873XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27874XXX | 27875XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27876XXX | 27876XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27877XXX | 27877XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27878XXX | 27880XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27881XXX | 27881XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27882XXX | 27886XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27887XXX | 27889XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27890XXX | 27896XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27897XXX | 27899XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27900XXX | 27939XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27940XXX | 27947XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27948XXX | 27949XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27950XXX | 27955XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27956XXX | 27958XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27959XXX | 27959XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27960XXX | 27969XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27970XXX | 27974XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27975XXX | 27976XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
27977XXX | 27993XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | ICE |
27994XXX | 29999XXX | 8 | Fixed telephony services | In reserve for allocation |
30000XXX | 39999XXX | 8 | Beeper Service and mobile service servicio móvil de repetidoras troncalizadas | In reserve for allocation |
40000XXX | 49999XXX | 8 | IP telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
4000XXXX | 8 | IP fixed telephony service | 13.I.2011 | |
4200-0000 | 4203-9999 | 8 | Telephone Service IP, PRD Internacional S.A | 13-03-2013 – 00 :00 |
4700XXXX | 4702 XXXX | 8 | Telephone Service IP TELEVISORA DE COSTA RICA S.A | Introduction on : 25.I.2013 00:00 |
60000XXX | 6100 1999 | 8 | Other services in reserve for allocation | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation). |
6100 2000 | 6200 1999 | 8 | Mobile Telephone Service Telefonica de Costa Rica TC; S.A | 22.X.2012 - 00:00 |
6200 2000 | 6999 9XXX | 8 | Other services in reserve for allocation | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation). |
70000XXX | 7101 9999 | 8 | Mobile telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
7102 0000 | 7201 9999 | 8 | Mobile telephone Service Claro CR Telecomunicaciones; S.A | 21.X.2012 - 00:00 |
7202 0000 | 7999 9999 | 8 | Mobile telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation). |
80000XXX | 80999XXX | 8 | Mobile telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
81000XXX | 81999XXX | 8 | Mobile telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
82000XXX | 82999XXX | 8 | Mobile telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
83000XXX | 83999XXX | 8 | Mobile telephony services | ICE- Mobile telephony |
84000XXX | 84999XXX | 8 | Mobile telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
85000XXX | 85999XXX | 8 | Mobile telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
86000XXX | 87999XXX | 8 | Mobile telephony services | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
88000XXX | 88999XXX | 8 | Mobile telephony services | ICE- Mobile telephony |
89000XXX | 89999XXX | 8 | Mobile telephony services | ICE- Mobile telephony |
90000XXX | 99999XXX | 8 | Other services in reserve for allocation | In reserve for allocation (SUTEL will be able to establish smaller subdivisions for allocation) |
911X XXXX | ---- | 3 | Servicios de Emergencia | ------------- |
Important Numbers
Country/Geographical Area | Number | Service category | Additional information |
Costa Rica | 1026 | Hazards | - |
Costa Rica | 1119 | Hazards | - |
Costa Rica | 1147 | Child help-line | - |
Costa Rica | 911; 112 | Medical | - |
Costa Rica | 911; 112 | Fire | - |
Costa Rica | 911; 112 | Police | - |
Costa Rica | 911; 112 | Traffic | - |
Dialing Plan
Domestic Dialing
- For local call: Dial all eight digits of the local phone number
- For long distance call: Dial all eight digits of the local phone number
Foreign Dialing
- To call Costa Rica from abroad: exit code - 506 - local phone number(exit code can also be written as “+”)
- To call abroad from Costa Rica: 00 - country code - area code - phone number
External Links
Reference Links
- AreaCodeBase: Costa Rica Areacode Database
- PostCodeBase: Costa Rica Postcode Database
This website provides information about country code, area code, details of numbering plan and tips for how-to-dial. This is your complete guide to call anywhere in the world. Simply find and click the country name you wish to call. You'll find instructions on how to call that country using its country code, as well as other helpful information like area codes, ISO country codes and so on.