🇧🇹 Bhutan Area Code

From Chahaoba

Area Code, Long-distance Call VoIP, Mobile/Cellular Locator and Telephone Number of Bhutan.

🔗 References:

Illustration featuring Bhutan's flag, Tiger's Nest Monastery, Himalayas, traditional attire, and modern communication devices with prominent display of +975 country code.

Bhutan International Dialing Code

  • Name: Bhutan 🇧🇹
  • Code: 975, also +975, 00975, 00 975, 00-975, +975-, +00975, 0975, 000975, 011-975 etc.

General Information

  • Bhutan country code: 975
  • Trunk Prefix: None
  • International Prefix: 00
  • Number Details:Bhutanese phone numbers are seven to eight digits. Landline phone numbers are seven digits. The first digit is the area code that represents a geographic region of the country. The next two digits are a specific area within the geography of the area code. Mobile numbers are eight digits. They begin an operator code that signifies the mobile phone's service provider. The operator codes are‘17’and‘77’.

An example of a Bhutanese phone number

The National Museum of Bhutan lists its phone number in Paro as + 975 8 271511.

Detail of Area Code and Prefix

Fixed networks

  • Length of Area Code: one digit
Length of Subscriber Number: six digits
Y = 0 to 9
Locality Area Code Subscriber Number Range Remark
Thimphu 2 32 XYYY



X = 0 to 9
Simtokha 2 35 XYYY X = 0,1
Dechencholing 2 36 XYYY X = 0,1
Taba 2 36 5YYY
Kharsadrapchu 2 37 YYYY
Basochu 2 47 XYYY X = 0,1
Wangdue 2 48 XYYY X = 0,1
Punakha 2 58 4YYY
Lingshi DAMA 2 67 00YY
Gasa 2 68 8YYY
Trongsa 3 52 XYYY X = 0,1,2
Jakar 3 63 XYYY X = 0,1,5
Chumey 3 64 XYYY X = 0,1
Zhemgang DAMA 3 67 03YY
Zhemgang 3 74 XYYY X = 0,1
Tingtibi 3 75 YYYY
Trashigang 4 52 XYYY X = 0,1
Kanglung 4 53 5YYY
Lhuntse 4 54 5YYY
Tangmachu 4 54 6YYY
Rangjung 4 56 XYYY X = 0,1
Wamrong 4 57 XYYY X = 0,1
Khaling 4 58 XYYY X = 0,1
Mongar 4 64 XYYY X = 0,1
Sakteng DAMA 4 67 04YY
Gelpoyshing 4 74 4YYY
Trashi Yangtse 4 78 XYYY X = 0, 1
Tsenkharla 4 78 5YYY
Phuntsholing 5 25 XYYY X = 0,1,2
Pasakha 5 26 XYYY X = 0,1
Gedu /Tala /Padechu /Sinchekha 5 27 XYYY X = 0,1,2,3,4,6,7,9
Lhamoi Zingkha 5 67 06YY
Samtse 5 36 5YYY
Gomtu 5 37 XYYY X = 0,1
Chargary 5 38 XYYY X = 0,1
Sibsoo 5 38 2YYY
Gelephu 6 25 XYYY X = 0,1
Suray 6 25 5YYY
Lodrai 6 21 YYYY
Sarpang 6 36 5YYY
Tsirang (Damphu) 6 47 XYYY X = 0,1
Damphu DAMA 6 67 08YY
Dagana 6 48 XYYY X = 0,1
Dagapela 6 48 3YYY
Drujegang 6 48 7YYY
Panbang DAMA 6 67 09YY
S/Jongkhar 7 25 XYYY X = 0,1
Deothang 7 26 XYYY X = 0,1
Nganglam 7 27 YYYY
Bangtar DAMA 7 67 10YY
Daifam DAMA 7 67 11YY
Nganglam DAMA 7 67 12YY
P/Gatshel 7 47 XYYY X = 0,1
P/Gatshel DAMA 7 67 13YY
Paro 8 27 XYYY X = 0,1
Drukgyel Dzong 8 23 YYYY
Shaba 8 24 YYYY
Ha 8 37 5YYY
Ha (Damthang) 8 37 1YYY
Chapcha 8 47 1YYY
Wangkha 8 47 7YYY
Tsimasham 8 47 8YYY

Mobile networks

  • Mobile numbers: eight digit NSN
  • Mobile operator code: two digit(17 - B-Mobile/77 - TashiCell)
  • Subscriber number: six digits
  • Format: +9758696667063

Important/Emergency Numbers

Phone Number Service category
113 Police
110 Fire
112 Ambulance
111 Thimphu Traffic
219 National Disaster
144 Bhutan National Bank
114 Bhutan Telecom Complaint
140 Bhutan Telecom Directory
1300 Bhutan Airlines

Phone Call Instructions

Phone calls from Bhutan

The international access code for Bhutan is 00. Please dial 00 or the plus sign(+) before the country code of the country you are calling when making international calls.

There is no national long distance prefix in Bhutan. When making national long distance call, please dial the area code and the subscriber number.

  • Local call: XXX XXX(subscriber number)
  • National long distance call: Y(area code) -XXX XXX
  • From Bhutan to abroad: 00(or +) - country code - area code(if any) - phone number

To call Bhutan from abroad

To call Bhutan from abroad, the international access code depends on which country you are in.

Dial the international access code or plus sign(+) at first, then 975, then dial the area code and the subscriber number.

  • For example: How to call Bhutan from China:
00 - 975 - Y - XXX XXX.
We could have used the plus sign(+) to replace 00:
+975 - Y - XXX XXX.

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