🇸🇳 Senegal Area Code

From Chahaoba

+221 = Senegal :

Area Code, Long-distance Call VoIP, Mobile/Cellular Locator and Telephone Number of Senegal.

🔗 References:

Senegal International Dialing Code

  • Name: Senegal 🇸🇳
  • Code: 221, also +221, 00221, 00 221, 00-221, +221-, +00221, 0221, 000221, 011-221 etc.

General Information

  • Senegal country code: 221
  • Trunk Prefix: None
  • International Prefix: 00
  • Number Details: Senegalese phone numbers are nine digits. The first digit designates whether the phone number is a landline or mobile phone. Landlines phone numbers begin with‘3’. The second digit designates the phone carrier. The third digit signifies whether the phone number is within the city of Dakar (‘8’) or outside it (‘9’). Mobile numbers typically begin with‘7’. The second digit designates the phone carrier.

An example of a Senegalese phone number

The Hotel Le Djoloff lists its phone number in Dakar as +221 33 889 36 30.

Detail of Numbering Plan

Detail of Prefix

Operator Mobile Fixed
Sonatel (Orange) 77,78 33
Sentel GSM (Tigo) 76 32
Expresso 70 30
CSU 72 36
ADIE 79 39

List of area codes in Senegal

Area/City Area Code
Dakar 8
outside Dakar 9

Mobile allocations

Prefix BP NSN Number Length Usage Additional Info
70 00X XXXX 9 Baneex/Prepaid Expresso/Sudatel
70 10X XXXX 9 Baneex Expresso/Sudatel
70 20X XXXX 9 Baneex Expresso/Sudatel
70 30X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Expresso/Sudatel
70 32X XXXX-49X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Expresso/Sudatel
70 50X XXXX 9 Baneex Expresso/Sudatel
70 51X XXXX-63X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Expresso/Sudatel
70 64X XXXX 9 GSM/Prepaid Expresso/Sudatel
70 65X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Expresso/Sudatel
70 67X XXXX-69X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Expresso/Sudatel
70 70X XXXX 9 Baneex Expresso/Sudatel
70 71X XXXX-76X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Expresso/Sudatel
70 77X XXXX 9 GSM/Prepaid Expresso/Sudatel
70 78X XXXX-98X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Expresso/Sudatel
72 110 XXXX 9 CDMA Mobile telephony CSU
72 111 XXXX 9 CDMA Mobile telephony CSU
72 112 XXXX 9 CDMA Mobile telephony CSU
76 01X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Sentel GSM (Tigo)
76 02X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Sentel GSM (Tigo)
76 12X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Sentel GSM (Tigo)
76 13X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Sentel GSM (Tigo)
76 28X XXXX-39X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Sentel GSM (Tigo)
76 45X XXXX-59X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Sentel GSM (Tigo)
76 60X XXXX-61X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Sentel GSM (Tigo)
76 63X XXXX-69X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Sentel GSM (Tigo)
76 72X XXXX-75X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Sentel GSM (Tigo)
76 83X XXXX-88X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Sentel GSM (Tigo)
76 90X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Sentel GSM (Tigo)
76 92X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Sentel GSM (Tigo)
76 94X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Sentel GSM (Tigo)
77 01X XXXX-99X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Sonatel Mobiles (Orange)
78 01X XXXX-49X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Sonatel Mobiles (Orange)
78 63X XXXX 9 GSM Mobile telephony Sonatel Mobiles (Orange)
79 00X XXXX-09X XXXX 9 CDMA Mobile ADIE

Important Numbers

Country/Geographical Area Number Service category Additional information
Senegal 17 Police -
Senegal 18 Fire -
Senegal 8242418 First-Aid Center

Dialing Plan

Domestic Dialing

  • For local call: Dial the entire phone number
  • For long distance call: Dial the entire phone number

Foreign Dialing

  • To call Senegal from abroad: exit code - 221 - local phone number(exit code can also be written as “+”)
  • To call abroad from Senegal: 00 - country code - area code - phone number

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