🇬🇶 Equatorial Guinea Area Code

From Chahaoba

Area Code, Long-distance Call VoIP, Mobile/Cellular Locator and Telephone Number of Equatorial Guinea.

🔗 References:

Equatorial Guinea International Dialing Code

  • Name: Equatorial Guinea 🇬🇶
  • Code: 240, also +240, 00240, 00 240, 00-240, +240-, +00240, 0240, 000240, 011-240 etc.

General Information

  • Equatorial Guinea country code: 240
  • Trunk Prefix: None
  • International Prefix: 00
  • Number Details: Equatorial Guinean phone numbers are nine digits. The first digit designates whether the phone number is a landline or mobile designation code. Landline phone lines begin with‘3’.‘4’is reserved for future landline service. The fifth digit is an area (geographic) code. Mobile numbers begin with‘2’or‘5’.‘6’and‘7’are reserved for future mobile service.

An example of an Equatorial Guinean phone number

The Mango Suites lists its phone number in Malabo as (240) 333 096 333.

General Structure of Numbering Plan

First digit N Comment
0 None
1 Short codes/Special services
2 Mobile service
3 Fixed service
4 Reserved (fixed service)
5 Mobile service
6 Reserved (mobile service)
7 Reserved (mobile service)
8 Intelligent networks – value-added services
9 Intelligent networks – value-added services

Detail of Numbering Plan

Fixed Service

Operator Format Area
GETESA 33 3P9 MCDU Bioko
33 3P8 MCDU Litoral and Annobón
33 3P7 MCDU C.S., K.N. and W.N.
33 XP4 MCDU CDMA Bioko
33 XP6 MCDU CDMA Continental Region
HiTs G.E. S.A. 35 XP9 MCDU Bioko
35 XP8 MCDU Litoral and Annobón
35 XP7 MCDU C.S., K.N. and W.N.

Mobile Service

Operator Format
HiTs G.E. S.A. 55 1PQMCDU

Important Numbers

Country/Geographical Area Number Service category
Equatorial Guinea 333092041 Medical
Equatorial Guinea 114 Police
Equatorial Guinea 115 Fire
Equatorial Guinea 222258329(Malabo), 222252521(Bata) Chinese Medical Team In Equatorial Guinea

Dialing Plan

Domestic Dialing

  • For local call: Dial the entire phone number
  • For long distance call: Dial the entire phone number

Foreign Dialing

  • To call Equatorial Guinea from abroad: exit code - 240 - local phone number(exit code can also be written as “+”)
  • To call abroad from Equatorial Guinea: 00 - country code - area code - phone number

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